PHD Program:
History and Philosophy of Science
Major Publications:
Medical Saints: Cosmas and Damian in a Postmodern World (Oxford) will appear in 2013
Medical Miracles: Doctors,Saints and Healing in the Modern World, Oxford University Press, 2009
as editor with Arthur Sweetman, SARS in Context: Memory, History, Policy forthcoming with McGill Queen's University Press and the Queen's School of Policy Studies, 2006
as editor and contributor, Clio in the Clinic; History in Medical Practice, Oxford University Press and the University of Toronto Press, 2005
Lovers and Livers: Disease Concepts in History, the Goodman Lectures, 2002, University of Toronto Press, 2005
History of Medicine: a Scandalously Short Introduction, University of Toronto Press, 1999; reprinted University of Toronto Press and Macmillan, 2000, 2001.
To See with a Better Eye: A Life of R.T.H. Laennec, Princeton University Press, 1998.
Langstaff: A Nineteenth-Century Medical Life, University of Toronto Press, 1993; London: Macmillan; reprinted 1999.
Membre des sociétés académiques:
Royal College of Physicians and
Surgeons, the American Association for the
History of Medicine, the Canadian Society for the
History of Medicine, and the History of Science
Courses Taught:
History for Medicine Students; Phil 201 Philosophy and Medicine; History of the Nobel Prize: Who won it; who didn't; and why; Historiography of Medicine; Current Issues in Medical Epistemology