Tous / Toutes

Evidence in Context

Ma., Juil. 6, 2010, 2:15pm

University of Toronto

Scientific Models and Simulations (4) Worskhop. UofT May 7-9, 2010

Ve., Mai. 7, 2010 (Toute la journée) - Di., Mai. 9, 2010 (Toute la journée)

Note: This workshop also has ties with the following Themes:

Scientific Communication and its Publics Theme and Historical Epistemology and Ontology Theme.

Location: University of Toronto

Helen Longino: Is There an Objective Concept of Evidence?

Ve., Avr. 30, 2010, 2:00pm

UBC Peter Wall Institute
Part of the Philosophy of Science workshop with UBC, UW and SFU.

Helen Longino, Stanford Univeristy, "Is There an Objective Concept of Evidence?"


Rebecca Kukla (Philosophy, Georgetown). "Medicalization, Justice, and the Definition of Health."

Me., Fév. 3, 2010, 5:00pm

Rebecca Kukla (Philosophy, Georgetown). "Medicalization, Justice, and the Definition of Health."

Thursday, February 3, 2010.

5:00 pm. Green College Coach House.

Public debate: A debate on science policy in Canada with Preston Manning and Darin Barney

Je., Nov. 12, 2009, 5:30pm

Public Debate:

Preston Manning in conversation with Darin Barney on the politics of science and technology in Canada


A debate on science policy in Canada between Prof. Darin Barney (of the department of Art History and Communication Studies) and the Canadian politician Preston Manning was held at McGill University.

Co-sponsors: Media@McGill.

Current issues in Darwinian Theory Workshop. Dalhousie University Oct. 14-17, 2009

Me., Oct. 14, 2009 (Toute la journée) - Sa., Oct. 17, 2009 (Toute la journée)

In celebration of the anniversary of the publication of Charles' Darwin's On the Origin of Species, this workshop included a set of three public evening lectures with over 400 in attendance.

Co sponsors: CIFAR, Dalhousie University, Australian Council and University of King's College

Varieties of Empathy in Science, Art and Culture Workshop. UBC Oct 10-11 2009

Sa., Oct. 10, 2009 (Toute la journée) - Di., Oct. 11, 2009 (Toute la journée)

The recent discovery of mirror neurons, which fire in a macaque monkey when the monkey either observes or performs a given movement, has ushered in a resurgence of interest in the meanings and mechanisms of empathy. The purported role of these neurons in empathic responses in monkeys and humans has led to an array of neuroscientific studies of cognition and autism.

Health Legacies: Militarization, Health and Society Workshop. UofA Sept. 18-19, 2009

Ve., Sep. 18, 2009 (Toute la journée) - Sa., Sep. 19, 2009 (Toute la journée)
A one day workshop to examine the human and environmental health consequences of war. 
Exploring the impact of militarization and demilitarization on the health and welfare of individuals, society, and nature. 

Addressing themes of gender, race, sexuality, public policy, politics, social justice, science, technology, medical experimentation, and the environment. 

Reading Artifacts: A Summer Institute in the Material Culture of Science. CSTM, Aug. 17-21, 2009

Lu., Août. 17, 2009, 12:00pm - Ve., Août. 21, 2009, 12:00pm

A Summer Institute at the Canadian Science and Technology Museum.

Organizer: David Pantalony

Please see attached report for more information.

Evidence in Context

Sa., Mai. 23, 2009, 2:45pm

University of Toronto

Reassessing the Governance of Clinical Trials: Preventing Real World Risks at the Gate

Lu., Mar. 9, 2009, 8:00am - Ma., Mar. 10, 2009, 5:00pm

Dalhousie University (Technoscience and Regulation Research Unit)

Organizer: Janice Graham, TRRU, Dalhousie University; Mavis Jones, Dalhousie University

Workshop information here

Final report avail. upon request.

Critical Debates in Evidence Based Medicine: Where we've been and Where we're Going Workshop. Toronto, Nov 14-16, 2008

Ve., Nov. 14, 2008 (Toute la journée) - Di., Nov. 16, 2008 (Toute la journée)

Where we've been and Where we're Going (An Interdisciplinary Workshop).

University of Toronto


Review by M. Cournoyea HERE

La Grande Rencontre:« dialogue science et société » Montreal Nov. 2008

Me., Nov. 12, 2008 (Toute la journée) - Ve., Nov. 14, 2008 (Toute la journée)

La Grande Rencontre:« dialogue science et société » Montreal Nov. 2008

Me., Nov. 12, 2008 (Toute la journée) - Ve., Nov. 14, 2008 (Toute la journée)