Other: Node Workshops, Panels, Salons, etc.

Contextualiser les technologies de l'information et de la communication de la santé des autochtones

Noeud de réseau: 
Ve., Oct. 14, 2011, 9:00am - Sa., Oct. 15, 2011, 10:00pm
Institut de recherche sur la science et technologies à l'Université de York (en anglais)

(en anglais)

How Uncertainty Became Randomness in Economics

Je., Oct. 6, 2011, 5:00pm - , 6:30pm
University of British Columbia

Eric Schliesser (Department of Philosophy, Ghent University) will give a talk on "How Uncertainty Became Randomness in Economics."

Thursday, October 6, 2011, 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm. Green College Coach House, UBC.

Part of UBC's Science and Society Series, 2011.

Biologie synthétique : Journée d’information sur les avantages, les risques et les questions d’éthique

Noeud de réseau: 
Ve., Sep. 30, 2011, 9:00am - , 5:00pm
Université d'Ottawa

Cette journée est organisée dans le cadre des Vingt-quatrièmes Entretiens Jacques Cartier (http:/

L’École d’été du Musée : L’histoire racontée par les artéfacts

Lu., Août. 15, 2011, 9:00am - Ve., Août. 19, 2011, 9:00am

L’École d’été du Musée : L’histoire racontée par les artéfacts
Du 15 au 19 août 2011
présenté par
la Division de la collection et de la recherche et les Services de conservation
du Musée des sciences et de la technologie du Canada (MSTC)

Atlantic Node Works in Progress Meeting

Je., Juin. 23, 2011, 7:00pm - , 9:00pm

The next Works in Progress meeting will be held this Thursday, June 23 in the Seminar Room, 2nd Floor, New Academic Building, University of  King's College. Coffee and sweets at 7 pm, the talk begins at 7:30.  All are welcome.

La cognition au prisme des sciences sociales, Claude Rosental, 20 mai 2011

Ve., Mai. 20, 2011, 12:30pm - , 2:00pm

UQAM: Claude Rosental, Directeur de recherche au CNRS, Institut Marcel Mauss

La cognition au prisme des sciences sociales

Paradox: The Art of the Scientific Naturalists

Ve., Mai. 6, 2011, 4:00pm - , 5:30pm

“Paradox: The Art of the Scientific Naturalists”

4:00-5:30 pm; May 6, 2011.

The Delaney Gallery (320 Bethune College), York University

Revisiting Evolutionary Naturalism: New Perspectives on Victorian Science and Culture. Node Workshop May 6 – 7th, 2011 York University

Ve., Mai. 6, 2011 (Toute la journée) - Sa., Mai. 7, 2011 (Toute la journée)

Revisiting Evolutionary Naturalism: New Perspectives on Victorian Science and Culture
May 6 – 7th, 2011
York University, Toronto, Canada

Le Conseil des Arts du Canada décerne un Prix Killam à Hayden

Me., Avr. 20, 2011, 9:15am
Le Conseil des Arts du Canada décerne un Prix Killam à Hayden, de l’Université de la Colombie-Britannique. Il était orateur au cycle de conférences national « Trust in the New Sciences ».

Le Conseil des Arts du Canada décerne un Prix Killam au Dr.Michael Hayden, de l’Université de la Colombie-Britannique Il était ora

Actionnisme et dynamique de recherche : transformations du domaine des cellules souches, Michel Dubois, 13 avril 2011

Me., Avr. 13, 2011, 12:30pm - , 2:00pm

UQAM: Michel Dubois, Directeur de recherche CNRS, Groupe d'Etude des Méthodes de l'Analyse Sociologique de la Sorbonne (GEMASS) — CNRS / Université de Paris IV Sorbonne

Actionnisme et dynamique de recherche : transformations du domaine des cellules souches

Priscilla Wald: "Clones, Chimeras and Other Creatures of the Biotechnological Revolution: Toward a Genomic Mythology."

Je., Avr. 7, 2011, 5:00pm

UBC: Priscilla Wald (English, Duke).

“Clones, Chimeras, and Other Creatures of the Biotechnological Revolution: Toward a Genomic Mythology”

April 7, 2011.

5 pm,

Irving K. Barber Centre, rm. 182. 

METROPOLIS screening with live music and artist talk

Sa., Avr. 2, 2011, 7:00pm - Di., Avr. 3, 2011, 3:00pm



7:00 PM  SCREENING - METROPOLIS with live musical accompaniment

Alumni Hall | King’s New Academic Building | 6350 Coburg Road  | $5 Suggested Donation  

(Fritz Lang, 1927, Germany, 153 min, DVD)

Joan Fujimura Race Lecture Series March 22, 2011

Ma., Mar. 22, 2011, 7:00pm - , 9:00pm

Watch the video here


Dr. Joan Fujimura
, Professor of Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
This was Live Streamed at www.livestream.com/situsci

Susan Solomon: "Constructing the Biography of a Scientific Go-Between: A.N. Rubakin, Soviet Public Health and Russian-French Space Between the World Wars."

Je., Mar. 17, 2011, 5:00pm

Green College, UBC: Susan Solomon (Political Science, Toronto)

“Constructing the Biography of a Scientific Go-Between: A.N. Rubakin, Soviet Public Health and Russian-French Space between the World Wars.” 

Thursday, March 17, 2011.

5:00 pm,

Green College Coach House.

Situating Science Spring 2011 Newsletter

Me., Mar. 2, 2011, 3:45pm
The Situating Science Strategic Knowledge Cluster (www.situsci.ca) has a very busy spring as it hits the half-way mark of the seven year project.

The Situating Science Strategic Knowledge Cluster (www.situsci.ca) has a very busy spring as it hits the half-way mark of the seven year project. Please see the attached spring newsletter for an update on lectures across Canada, workshops, Call for Situating Science Workshop Proposals (Canada) and more.