Master of Science (MSc) in Science, Media and Public Policy University of Warwick

NEW for October 2011!

(Subject to final approval)

Master of Science (MSc) in Science, Media and Public Policy

University of Warwick

This new and ambitious master's programme analyses the roles of science, media and publics within issues holding public policy relevance. As vital fields within contemporary life, science, media and policy are studied in this MSc for their far-reaching impact on the economy, politics, publics and the natural world.

Places will be limited. Register your interest in this programme as soon as possible by e-mailing:

Science is increasingly visible in society in many different ways:  

Science influences public policy decisions. It is as an engine of economic growth. It impacts on our daily lives (via food, climate). 

And last but not least, science is expensive and controversial in its own right. All of these features of science are made 'public' in the broadest sense through media, but the nature of this 'publicity' is complex and requires dedicated study by those who wish not only to understand but also to intervene effectively. Sociology at Warwick has top scholars at the cutting edge of both the theoretical and practical dimensions of these issues, who bring world-leading expertise into this new Master of Science programme. This includes the dynamic Science, Politics & Society <>

  research group. The new core modules for this degree will be lead by Professor Steve Fuller 


and Dr Eric Jensen




For more information, please see the website:



Steve Fuller

Professor of Sociology

University of Warwick

Coventry CV4 7AL

United Kingdom

Phone +44 2476 523 940





NEW BOOK: Science: The Art of Living (Acumen, May 2010).


OUT NOW: The Sociology of Intellectual Life (Sage). E-book for US$34.50.
