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Titre University Affiliation Department / Program Specific Area of Research
Lightman, Bernard - York University Cultural history of science, esp. 19th century British science and religion, gender, visual and print culture
Lindsay, Deborah - University of New Brunswick 19th century science, specifically ornithology and paleobotany
Linquist, Stefan - University of Guelph Evolutionary biology, ecology, the history and philosophy of psychology, the study of animal minds
Linsky, Bernard - University of Alberta History of logic in the early 20th century, in particular Bertrand Russell; A.N.Whitehead and B.A.Russell, Principia Mathematica, Cambridge; contemporary philosophy of mathematics, platonism and neo-logicism
Lloyd, Stephanie - Anthropology University of Montreal Cultural anthropology; medical anthropology; science and technology studies; history of psychiatry; critical perspectives of new biomedical technologies; social transformations; embodiment; France; Canada; United States; sociology of science; knowledge translation
Lockett, Wilfred G. - History University of Toronto Adoption of scientific approach in Engineering
Logan, Robert - University of Toronto Linguistics: the origin and evolution of language; social impact and history of media; science education; use of computers in education; knowledge management; biocomplexity
Loptson, Peter - University of Guelph Naturalism and rational agency; Hume; modal metaphysics; Scotland; England; Netherlands; France; US; Canada; Germany
Lyon, David - Queen's University Surveillance and social sorting; identification regimes; citizenship; privacy; information technologies; religion; postmodernity; sociology and christianity
MacIntosh, Jack - University of Calgary History of philosophy, currently especially Robert Boyle, early modern natural philosophy