Spoel, Philippa - English

Personal Information
First Name: 
Affiliation universitaire: 
Laurentian University
Email Address: 
Area of Research
Région géographique: 
Champ d'études: 
The history and theory of rhetoric, feminist approaches to rhetoric, and rhetoric of healthcare, science and professional communication, disciplinary knowledge-making and communication, and writing across the curriculum
PHD Program: 
PHD University: 
University of Waterloo
PHD Date: 
Major Publications: 
Spoel, Philippa and Chantal Barriault. "Risk Knowledge and Risk Communication: The Rhetorical Challenge of Public Dialogue." Writing (in) the knowledge society. Ed. D. Starke-Mayering, A. Paré, N. Artemeva, M. Horne, and L. Yousoubova. West Lafayette, IN: Parlor Press and Fort Collins, Colorado: The WAC Clearinghouse. Forthcoming. Spoel, Philippa. "Communicating Values. Valuing Community through Healthcare Websites: Midwifery's On-Line Ethos and Public Communication in Ontario." Technical Communication Quarterly, Special Issue on On-Line Health Information. 17, 3 (2008): 264-288. Spoel, Philippa. “Midwifery, Consumerism, and the Ethics of Informed Choice.” Bordering Biomedicine: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Health, Illness, and Disease. Ed. Peter L. Twohig and Vera Kalitzkus. Rodopi Publications, 2006. Spoel, Philippa. “Re-Inventing Rhetorical Epistemology: Donna Haraway's and Nicole Brossard's Embodied Visions.” The Changing Tradition: Women in the History of Rhetoric. Ed. Christine Mason Sutherland and Rebecca Sutcliffe. Calgary, Alberta: U of Calgary P, 1999. 199-212. Spoel, Philippa. “A Feminist Rhetorical Perspective on Informed Choice in Midwifery.” Rhetor: Journal of the Canadian Society for the Study of Rhetoric, Vol 2. Forthcoming. 17 manuscript pages. Spoel, Philippa and Susan James. “Negotiating Public and Professional Interests: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Debate Concerning the Regulation of Midwifery in Ontario, Canada.” Journal of Medical Humanities. 27.3 (Fall 2006): 167-186. Schryer, Catherine F. and Philippa Spoel. “Genre Theory, Healthcare Discourse, and Professional Identity Formation.” Journal of Business and Technical Communication (Special Issue on Medical Rhetoric) 19.3 (July 2005): 249-278. Spoel, Philippa. “Rereading the Elocutionists: The Rhetoric of Thomas Sheridan’s A Course of Lectures on Elocution and John Walker’s Elements of Elocution.” Rhetorica: A Journal of the History of Rhetoric 19.1 (Winter 2001): 49-91. Spoel, Philippa and Renée Corbeil. “Learning to Make Discipline-Specific Knowledge through Writing / Appronfondir des connaissances spécifiques à chaque discipline par l’écriture.” Technostyle 15.1 (Spring 1999): 20-53.
Courses Taught: 
Undergraduate: Rhetorical Criticism; Rhetorical Traditions; Workplace Communication; Environmental Communication; Seminars in Rhetoric of Science and in Visual Rhetoric - Graduate: Theories and Principles of Science Communication; Discourses and Values of Risk and the Environment; Language and Values in Healthcare Communication