Benzaquen, Adriana -

Personal Information
First Name: 
Last Name: 
Department / Program: 
University Affiliation: 
Mount Saint Vincent University
Email Address: 
Area of Research
Geographical Region: 
Great Britain
Time Period: 
17th Century
18th Century
Specific Area of Research: 
Dr. Benzaquén's current research project, “John Locke and the Clarkes of Chipley: Childhood, Family, Friendship and Gender in England, 1650-1720,” is a study of representations, understandings and experiences of childhood, family, friendship and gender through in-depth analysis of a correspondence network in England in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries; the "science of childhood" in early modern and Enlightenment Europe; the rise of the medical practitioner family advisor
PHD Program: 
Social and Political Thought
PHD University: 
York University
PHD Date: 
Major Publications: 
"Locke's Children," Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth 4, no. 3 (Fall 2011): 382-402. “World Contexts,” in A Cultural History of Childhood and Family in the Age of Enlightenment (1650-1800), ed. James Marten and Elizabeth Foyster (Oxford: Berg, 2010), 185-204. Encounters with Wild Children: Temptation and Disappointment in the Study of Human Nature. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2006. "The Doctor and the Child: Medical Preservation and Management of Children in the Eighteenth Century." In Fashioning Childhood in the Eighteenth Century: Age and Identity. Ed. Anja Müller. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006, 13-24. "Childhood, the Sciences of Childhood, and the History of Science." In Multiple Lenses, Multiple Images: Perspectives on the Child Across Time, Space, and Disciplines. Ed. Hillel Goelman, Sheila K. Marshall and Sally Ross. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004, 14-37. "Childhood, Identity, and Human Science in the Enlightenment." History Workshop Journal 57 (Spring 2004): 34-57. "Kamala of Midnapore and Arnold Gesell’s Wolf Child and Human Child: Reconciling the Extraordinary and the Normal." History of Psychology 4, no. 1 (2001): 59-78. "Freud, Little Hans, and the Desire for Knowledge." Journal of Curriculum Theorizing 14, no. 2 (Summer 1998): 43-52.
Membership in Academic Societies: 
American Historical Association; History of Science Society; Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies; Cheiron, International Society for the History of Behavioral and Social Sciences.
Courses Taught: 
Dr. Benzaquén teaches early modern European history, intellectual and cultural history, the history of science, and the history of women. She regularly offers these courses: Europe from the Renaissance to the Scientific Revolution; Europe in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries; Social History of European Women; Gender in Historical Perspective: Childhood, Family and Private Life in Early Modern Europe; Centuries of Change: Western Europe in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries (on the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Era; Culture, Society and Belief in Early Modern Europe (on the early modern witch-hunts and the Scientific Revolution; History Seminar (Europe)Childhood, Family and Private Life in Early Modern Europe.