McGill University

Node Manager(s)

Dr. Nicholas Dew

Nicholas Dew (DPhil, Oxford) is an Associate Professor in the History Department at McGill University, where he teaches early modern history and history of science. Before coming to McGill in 2004 he held post-doctoral fellowships at Cambridge, and in Paris. His work is on France in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, particularly the interaction between the sciences and early colonialism. He is the author of Orientalism in Louis XIV's France (Oxford University Press, 2009), and the co-editor, with James Delbourgo, of Science and Empire in the Atlantic World (Routledge, 2008). He is currently working on a book on the circum-Atlantic dimensions of French science in the period c. 1650-1760. He is a founder member of the French Atlantic History Group in Montreal, and in recent years has run the McGill History and Philosophy of Science program and speaker series.

» McGill profile website

Research and Development

Cluster Node Students 2012:

Richard Spiegel
McGill Node MA student in History, received his BA from McGill in History and the History of Art. His areas of interest include scientific modeling, fiction in science, historical epistemology, the history of the exact science, the visual culture of science, the philosophy of art, film and film making in an academic context. He is currently preparing a major research paper, “Alternatives to the Retinal Image: Musical Analogies of Sight and the Figuration of Vision in Late 17th-Century Science and Art.” This works holds that anatomical science looking at the visual system proposed a number of alternative metaphors for thinking about vision.

Anna Dysert
As a Cluster PhD, Anna Dysert is assisting with the Node's organizational and networking tasks. She is working towards her PhD in History under the supervision of Dr. Faith Wallis. Her MA is from the Centre for Medieval Studies at the University of Toronto. Her areas of interest include manuscript studies and book history, medieval medicine and science, and digital humanities. The topic of her dissertation is the dissemination of new medical knowledge within Europe during the long 12th century. Her research concentrates on a body of medical texts written by a 9th century physician known as Isaac Israeli, translated into Latin in the 1080s. By reconstructing their reception and transmission through manuscript evidence, she hopes to contribute to the reevaluation of our assumptions about 12th century medicine and Salernitan medical tradition.

Margaret Carlyle is a doctoral candidate in the History Dept. and has been assisting with the Node's organizational and networking tasks. Research Interests

Wolfe Chair in Scientific and Technological Literacy

Gabriella Coleman
Department of Art History & Communication Studies


Upcoming Node Events

Node News and Events

The Index Card as Thinking Machine: Media, Memory and Writing in Hans Blumenberg
The Index Card as Thinking Machine: Media, Memory and Writing in Hans Blumenberg Thursday, 6 February 2014, 5:30pm: Arts West W-215 Cornelius Borck (Lübeck) Co-sponsored with the department of Art...
Time on Device: Slot Machine Design and the Turn Away from Risk in Gambling
Time on Device: Slot Machine Design and the Turn Away from Risk in Gambling Natasha Schull (MIT) Thursday, 10 April 2014, 5:30pm (jeu 10 avril, 17h30): McGill, Arts West W-215 (co-sponsored with...
Body to Body: The Dermatological Wax Moulage as Indexical Image
Body to Body: The Dermatological Wax Moulage as Indexical Image Mechthild Fend (UCL) Thursday, 27 March 2014, 5:30pm (jeu 27 mars, 17h30): McGill, Arts West W-215 Co-sponsored with the department...
Gaia, Anthropology and the Law
Gaia, Anthropology and the Law Bruno Latour (Sciences-Po, Paris) Friday, 21 March 2014, 4pm (ven 21 mars, 16h): Moot Court (Law building, 3644 r Peel, room 100) Sponsored by McGill Faculty of Law's...
After IVF: Is the Future of Reproduction Technological?
After IVF: Is the Future of Reproduction Technological? Sarah Franklin (Cambridge) Thursday, 20 March 2014, 3:00pm (jeu 20 mars, 15h) 3647 rue Peel, Don Bates Room (room 101) Co-sponsored with the...
Liquid Intelligence and the Aesthetics of Fluidity Workshop
Liquid Intelligence and the Aesthetics of Fluidity Montreal, McGill, Oct. 25-26, 2013The McGill semi-node is pleased to support this event.Description:In an influential essay, contemporary artist...
Histories of Medicine in the Indian Ocean
Histories of Medicine in the Indian Ocean Indian Ocean World Centre (IOWC) McGill University, Montreal, Canada 26-27 April 2013Organiser: Anna Winterbottom (IOWC, McGill University)The aim of the...
Evelyn Fox Keller: Genes, Genomes, and the Nature-Nurture Debate
Evelyn Fox Keller, MIT Elizabeth McNab Lecture in the History of Science 6PM Maxwell Cohen Moot Court, Faculty of Law, 3644 Peel Street, McGill University, Montreal, Qc.
Women in Science, Engineering and Medicine Symposium
Women in Science,Engineering and Medicine SymposiumThis first Women in Science, Engineering and Medicine Symposium to commemorate 100 years since Canada appointed its first female professor. October...
Timothy Wu: The Master Switch: The Rise and Fall of Information Empires
Timothy Wu, Professor, Columbia University Law School “The Master Switch: The Rise and Fall of Information Empires” Thurs March 22  6pm NEW VENUE: Centre Mont-Royal, 2200 rue Mansfiled (corner...
Alan Richardson: Logical Positivism as Marginal Science: How STS Illuminates History of Philosophy of Science
The Situating Science McGill Node is pleased to support the HPS Seminar Series ( Logical Positivism as Marginal Science: How STS Illuminates History of Philosophy...
Heather Paxson: The Microbiopolitics of Food Safety Regulation: Classifying Microbial Ecologies AND Stefan Helmreich: Submarine Media: Conducting Undersea Ethnography (with Notes on Underwater Music)
The Situating Science McGill Node is pleased to support the HPS Seminar Series (, 16 November 2011: double bill The Microbiopolitics of Food Safety...
Cornelius Borck: Chaos, Cyborgs & Chimeras: The Dadaists' Transhuman Body Montages
The Situating Science McGill Node is pleased to support the HPS Seminar Series ( Chaos, Cyborgs & Chimeras: The Dadaists' Transhuman Body Montages Co-Sponsored...
Hyunhee Park: Mapping the Chinese and Islamic Worlds: Cross-Cultural Exchange in Pre-Modern Asia
The Situating Science McGill Node is pleased to support the HPS Seminar Series ( pm EST, Oct. 6, 2011 Social Studies of Medicine Building 3647 Peel St.,...
Naomi Oreskes: Merchants of Doubt: How a handful of scientists obscured the truth on Issues from tobacco smoke to global warming