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Jobs with Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

Perimeter Institute offers research and administrative positions.

    Associate Faculty
    Perimeter-UWO Associate Faculty Position in Theoretical Physics
    Postdoctoral Researchers
    Visiting Researchers
    Affiliate Members
    Sabbatical Program - Visiting Professors

    Outreach Coordinator (seven-month contract)

1st International Winter School on Evolution

Aims to better prepare a future generation for inter- and transdisciplinary evolution research by providing courses on cutting edge research in biological and sociocultural evolutionary sciences

Registration is now open for the 1st International Winter School on Evolution.  Courses are open to
international Master, PhD and Post-doctoral students in the exact, life, human and sociocultural evolutionary sciences.



Interdisciplinary faculty position in the Centre for Knowledge Integration

The Centre for Knowledge Integration (CKI) at the University of Waterloo invites applications from across the academic disciplines for a faculty position at the level of Assistant (tenure-track) or Associate (tenured) Professor.  While the disciplinary background is open, it is essential that applicants have an interest in interdisciplinary collaboration, teaching, and/or scholarship.  Candidates should also have a demonstrated track record of excellent teaching and scholarship within their discipline, appropriate to the level of

Health and Humanities Assistant Professor

EMORY UNIVERSITY, ATLANTA, GA. Health and Humanities. Assistant Professor (tenure-track), beginning Fall 2013.

Four courses per year, beginning undergraduate to graduate level. Usual advising, committee, and other non-teaching duties. PhD required. This position is one of several new faculty appointments in the humanities made possible by support from the Mellon Foundation.

Associate Professor or Professor in the history of technology

the University of Pennsylvania invites applications for a tenured position at the Associate Professor or Professor level in the history of technology

The Department of History and Sociology of Science at the University of Pennsylvania invites applications for a tenured position at the Associate Professor or Professor level in the history of technology, beginning July 1, 2013.

Assistant Professor in the history of technology

Penn's History and Sociology of Science Department is conducting a search for two historians of technology in any field, time period, and location.

The Department of History and Sociology of Science at the University of Pennsylvania invites applications for a tenure track position as Assistant Professor in the history of technology, beginning July 1, 2013.  The Department will have one or two openings at this rank.  Scholars with an interest in the intersection of history of technology with environmental history, global history, or the history of information technologies, working on any region of the world are particularly encouraged to apply