Major Publications:
"Santayana's Treatment of Teleology", The Bulletin of the Santayana Society No. 8, 2010;
"Causal Essentialism Versus the Zombie Worlds", Canadian Journal of Philosophy Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 93-112, March 2009;
"Wonder Among the Cartesians and Natural Magicians", Topics in Early Modern Philosophy of Mind, edited by Jon Miller, Springer Publications, pp. 39-57, 2009;
"What the History of Vitalism Teaches Us About Consciousness and the Hard Problem", Philosophy and Phenomenological Research Vol. LXXII, No. 3, pp. 616-628, May 2006;
"Teleology and Vitalism in the Natural Philosophy of Nehemiah Grew (1641-1712)", British Journal for the History of Science Vol. 36(1), pp. 63-81, 2003;
"Defending Non-Epiphenomenal Event Dualism", Southern Journal of Philosophy Vol. XXXVIII, No. 3, 2000;
"Héritabilité Causale et Propriétés Èmergentes", Philosophique (Quebec Journal of Philosophy), 2000;
"Davidson on Causal Relevance", Ratio Vol. XII, No. 1, 1999;
"Pluralism, Causation and Overdetermination", Synthese Vol. 116, No. 3, 1998;
"Non-reductionism and John Searle's The Rediscovery of Mind", Philosophy and Phenomenological Research Vol. LV, No. 1, 1995.
Membership in Academic Societies:
American Philosophical Association
Canadian Philosophical Association
Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science
Ontario Roundtable For the Philosophy of Language (York)
Medieval and Early Modern Research Group (McMaster)
Courses Taught:
i) Undergraduate:
2008-9 1E03 Philosophical Problems
3E03 Philosophy of Language
4H03 Metaphysics
2007-8 1E03 Philosophical Problems
3E03 Philosophy of Language
4H03 Metaphysics
2006-7 1E03 Philosophical Problems
3E03 Philosophy of Language
4H03 Metaphysics
2005-6 1E03 Philosophical Problems
3O03 Epistemology
4H03 Metaphysics
2004-5 2C06 Early Modern Philosophy
3EO3 Philosophy of language
4H03 Metaphysics
ii) Graduate:
2008-9 Phil. 762