Hetherington, Kregg - Anthropology

Personal Information
First Name: 
Last Name: 
Sociology and Anthropology
University Affiliation: 
Concordia University
(514) 848-2424
Email Address: 
Area of Research
Specific Area of Research: 
Agricultural politics in Latin America, environmental and technical knowledge creation during periods of political transition; the way the soybean boom in Latin America's southern cone is changing how states become enrolled in scientific and technological networks, and how social movements, NGOs and corporations struggle to understand and control the relationship between humans and plants
Major Publications: 
2011. Guerrilla Auditors: The Politics of Transparency in Neoliberal Paraguay. Durham: Duke University Press Forthcoming. "Beans Before the Law: Knowledge Practices, Responsibility, and the Paraguayan soy boom." Cultural Anthropology. (Fall 2012 or Winter 2013). 2012 "Promising Information: Cadastral Reform and Development Expertise in Latin America." Economy and Society 41(2): 127-150. 2009 "Privatizing the Private in Rural Paraguay: Precarious Lots and the Materiality of Rights." American Ethnologist 36(2): 224-241.
Courses Taught: 
North-American Anthropological Theory; European Anthropological Theory; The Anthropology of Science and Technology