Moran, James -

Personal Information
First Name: 
Last Name: 
Department / Program: 
University Affiliation: 
University of Prince Edward Island
Email Address: 
Area of Research
Geographical Region: 
North America
Time Period: 
18th Century
19th Century
Specific Area of Research: 
History of psychiatry, madness and mental health
PHD Program: 
PHD University: 
York University
PHD Date: 
Major Publications: 
Books: Committed to the State Asylum: Insanity, the Asylum and Society in Nineteenth-Century Ontario and Quebec (Montreal: McGill Queen’s University Press, 2000, 226p). with David Wright (eds.) Mental Health in Canadian Society: Historical Perspectives (Montreal: McGill Queen’s University Press, 2006). with Leslie Topp and Jonathan Andrews (eds.) Madness, Architecture and the Built Environment: Psychiatric Spaces in Historical Context (Routledge, 2007). Refereed Articles (since 2000): ‘Mental Disorder and Criminality in Canada: 1830-1990’, in Ivan Crozier, Harry Oosterhuis and Richard Wetzell, Criminal Responsibility and Psychiatry: International Perspectives (forthcoming). ‘The Architecture of Madness: Informal and Formal Spaces of Treatment and Care in Nineteenth-Century New Jersey’, in Leslie Topp and Jonathan Andrews (eds.) Psychiatric Spaces: Architecture and the Built Environment, 1600-2000 (Routledge, 2007), 153-172. ‘Power Failure? Power and the New Social History of Madness’, in Jean-Marie Fecteau eds. Agency and Institutions in Social Regulation (Québec: Les Presses de l’université de Québec, 2005), 20pp. with David Wright and Sean Gouglas, ‘The Confinement of the Mad in Victorian Canada’, in Roy Porter and David Wright eds., The Confinement of the Insane, 1800-1965 : International Perspectives (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003), 175-222. ‘The Signal and the Noise: The Historical Epidemiology of Insanity in Antebellum New Jersey’, History of Ps ychiatry, 14, 3 (2003), 281-301.
Membership in Academic Societies: 
Canadian Society for the History of Medicine, Canadian Historical Association
Courses Taught: 
Madness and Society in International Perspective Medicine in North American Society: Historical Perspectives Post Confederation Canada The Art of History Canadian Social History, Post 1914 Pre Confederation Canada Quebec: Conquest to the Quiet Revolution Canadian Social History to 1914 Medicine and North American Society in Historical Perspective