Reynolds, Andrew - History/ Philosophy

Personal Information
First Name: 
Last Name: 
Department / Program: 
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
University Affiliation: 
University of Cape Breton
Email Address: 
Area of Research
History/ Philosophy
Geographical Region: 
North America
Time Period: 
19th and 20th Century
Specific Area of Research: 
Scientific metaphor; science and metaphysics; history and philosophy of cell biology, protistology (the study of single-cell organisms) and evolution
PHD Program: 
Philosophy of Science
PHD University: 
University of Western Ontario
PHD Date: 
Major Publications: 
Peirce's Scientific Metaphysics: The Philosophy of Chance, Law, and Evolution. (Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 2002). Andrew S. Reynolds and Norbert Huelsmann, "Haeckel's Discovery of Magosphaera planula: A Vestige of Metazoan Origins?", forthcoming History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences; accepted [01/06/09]. Andrew S. Reynolds, "Haeckel and the Theory of the Cell State; some remarks on the history of a bio-political metaphor." History of Science, Summer 2008 xlvi: 123-52. Andrew S. Reynolds, "Amoebae as Exemplary Cells: The Protean Nature of an Elementary Organism", Journal of the History of Biology, June 2008, 41, 2: 307-337. Andrew S. Reynolds, "The Cell's Journey: From Metaphorical to Literal Factory." Endeavour, a quarterly magazine reviewing the history and philosophy of science in the service of mankind, June 2007, 31(2): 65-70. Andrew S. Reynolds, "The Cell-State Metaphor and the Question of Cell Autonomy in Nineteenth and Early-Twentieth Century Biology." Science in Context 20(1): 71-95, Spring 2007. Andrew S. Reynolds, "Messy Morphogeny and the Allure of Elegant Mathematics": Review essay of John T. Bonner, First Signals: The Evolution of Multicellular Development (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2000), Biology and Philosophy, 18: 371-379, 2003. Andrew S. Reynolds, "Statistical Method and the Peircean Account of Truth," Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 30 (2), June 2000, 287-314. Andrew S. Reynolds, "What Is Historicism?" International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 13 (3), 1999.
Membership in Academic Societies: 
History of Science Society; Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Science; International Society for History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology; Canadian Philosophy Association; Philosophy of Science Association
Courses Taught: 
Logic and Contemporary Philosophy Nineteenth Century Philosophy Modern Philosophy Logic and the Analytic Tradition Philosophy of Science Science, Technology, and Human Affairs Environmental Ethics Introduction to Major Movements in Philosophy Critical Thinking Natural Science