Other: Node Workshops, Panels, Salons, etc.

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Imagining Reproduction In Science and History

Network Node: 
Fri., Oct. 19, 2007 (All day) - Sun., Oct. 21, 2007 (All day)

Health Humanities Conference, UBC, October 13-15, 2006

Fri., Oct. 13, 2006 (All day) - Sun., Oct. 15, 2006 (All day)

Brain Awareness Week March 2010

Network Node: 
Thu., Mar. 11, 2010, 12:00am - Fri., Mar. 19, 2010, 5:00pm

Spontaneous Generations Journal: New Volume

Network Node: 
Mon., Aug. 30, 2010, 6:45pm
Spontaneous Generations is a graduate student Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science.

Spontaneous Generations is a graduate student Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science


Latest issue:

Scientific Instruments: Knowledge, Practice, and Culture

Conceptions of Race in Philosophy, Literature and Art Lecture Series: Philip Sloan and JH Fujimura lectures

Network Node: 
Wed., Aug. 25, 2010, 10:45am

Situating Science is pleased to partner for

Conceptions of Race in Philosophy, Literature and Art Lecture Series at the University of King's College, Halifax, NS.

Winter 2011:

Dr. Joan Fujimura, March 22, event information here

Revisiting Evolutionary Naturalism: New Perspectives on Victorian Science and Culture. Node Workshop May 6 – 7th, 2011 York University

Network Node: 
Fri., May. 6, 2011 (All day) - Sat., May. 7, 2011 (All day)

Revisiting Evolutionary Naturalism: New Perspectives on Victorian Science and Culture
May 6 – 7th, 2011
York University, Toronto, Canada