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Technoscience Salon: Ecologies - A Conversation Round the Campfire

Network Node: 
Wed., Sep. 12, 2012, 6:00pm
Toronto: The first Technoscience Salon for 2012-13. The theme for this year is ecology.

Opening event of this year's Technoscience Salon.

Event ::  Ecologies: A Conversation Round the Campfire

Revisiting Evolutionary Naturalism: New Perspectives on Victorian Science and Culture. Node Workshop May 6 – 7th, 2011 York University

Network Node: 
Fri., May. 6, 2011 (All day) - Sat., May. 7, 2011 (All day)

Revisiting Evolutionary Naturalism: New Perspectives on Victorian Science and Culture
May 6 – 7th, 2011
York University, Toronto, Canada

"Merchants of Doubt" An Interactive Presentation with Naomi Oreskes Thursday, September 30 12:30pm York University

Network Node: 
Thu., Sep. 30, 2010, 12:30pm

Inaugural lecture for the new Institute for Science and Technology Studies, York University!

See Poster for more.