York University Node

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Mars @MaRS: From 'Curiosity' to Innovation

MaRS Centre, Toronto: Jay Ingram, veteran Canadian science journalist, hosts a panel discussion with leading Canadian space scientists as they describe technologies and discoveries made for space.

When: Monday, October 22, 2012 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Where: MaRS Centre South Tower Auditorium, 101 College Street, Toronto, ON
Reservations: The event is free, but places are limited. Online Reservations  

Technoscience Salon: Ecologies - A Conversation Round the Campfire

Network Node: 
Wed., Sep. 12, 2012, 6:00pm
Toronto: The first Technoscience Salon for 2012-13. The theme for this year is ecology.

Opening event of this year's Technoscience Salon.

Event ::  Ecologies: A Conversation Round the Campfire

Cultures in Mathematics IHPST workshop

University of Toronto, IHPST: Exploring the history, sociology and philosophy of mathematics from the perspective of epistemic cultures within mathematical practice.

RSVP to Josipa Petrunik, below.


Charis Thompson: Politics of Care in Technoscience lecture

Network Node: 
Fri., Apr. 20, 2012, 4:00pm - , 6:00pm
Video and podcast now available. York University: Thompson (Berkeley) launches the Politics of Care in Technoscience workshop

Video available HERE

The Jewish Leonardo?

Thu., Oct. 27, 2011, 12:00pm - , 2:00pm
203 Bethune College, Toronto: The Toronto Node is supporting this talk by Daniel Jütte, Harvard Society of Fellows

“The Jewish Leonardo? A Sixteenth-Century Jewish Inventor and the Quest for the Secrets of Nature”

Daniel Jütte, Harvard Society of Fellows

Noon, Thursday October 27 – 203 Bethune College