Evelyn Fox Keller: What Kind of Divide Separates Biology from Culture?

Thu., Apr. 4, 2013, 5:00pm - , 6:30pm

What Kind of Divide Separates Biology from Culture?
Evelyn Fox Keller, History and Philosophy of Science, MIT
April 4 2013 5pm (refreshments at 4:30)
Room 130, Liu Institute, 6476 NW Marine Drive

Presented with the Science and Society Series at Green College

STS at UBC: http://sts.arts.ubc.ca
STS Colloquium: http://sts.arts.ubc.ca/colloquium-events/sts-colloquium/

The UBC STS Series is supported by the UBC Node. This event is part of Dr. Keller's activities as Cluster Visiting Scholar 2012-13.