Network Directory

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Title University Affiliation Department / Program Specific Area of Research
Marquis, Greg - University of New Brunswick OTHER Alcohol control policies, legal/criminal justice history, alcohol and drug/medical history
Marquis, Jean-Pierre - University of Montreal Philosophy Epistemology and foundations of contemporary mathematics
Marshall, Barbara - Sociology Trent University OTHER Feminist and social theory, gender, sexuality, aging, bodies, science and technology, consumption
Martin, Aryn - History/ Philosophy York University Science and Technology Studies, York Genetics and immunology; maternal/fetal relationship; chimeras; chromosomes; identity and individuality; feminist social theory
McArthur, Daniel - York University Philosophy Philosophy of science, the philosophy of physics, theory change, the nature of scientific discovery, decision theory, rational choice theory
McCague, Hugh - York University OTHER ancient and medieval art, architecture and mathematics; historical metrology, mathematical and metrological methods of ancient and medieval craftspersons
McOuat, Gordon - History/ Philosophy University of King's College History of Science and Technology Programme and Contemporary Studies Programme University of King’s College/Dalhousie University History and philosophy of classification systems, logic. Currently working on a revisionist history of essentialism as well as researching the Eastern order of things.
Meynell, Letitia - Dalhousie University Philosophy The use of images in the empirical sciences; feminist critiques of science (especially the life sciences)
Millard, Rodney - University of Western Ontario History Engineers, engineering, social history of technology
Miller, Boaz - University of Toronto Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, U of T Social epistemology and general philosophy of science